OpenSCHC tests

Testing, the traditionnal way

Move into the tests directory and run the files directly.

They contain asserts, so that an unexpected result generates an error message. Conversely, no error message on the console output means that all results are as expected.

This works with both Python3 and micropython.

You can also run:

make all-tests

To use another version of python, such as micropython, set it into the PY variable like this:

PY=../../../micropython/ports/unix/micropython make all-tests

If the path is a relative path, make the path relative to the tests directory.

Pytest (the modern way)


Pytest is required.

Install pytest with pip:

pip install pytest


In the src directory, type:

make pytest


If you generate new pieces of code or alter existing code, please provide/alter test code so that they keep working both when executed with pytest and when run directly as the main.