

OpenSCHC includes a way to run simple simulations: to use it, one sets up, one creates nodes,

An example of simulation is in examples/simulator.


The configuration is in a dictionary with the following fields

  • There have been 4 different versions of logging :

  • “log” (boolean): the initial logging system (with clock). Not used much lately.

  • “enable-print” (boolean): the print statements that have been added to do debugging.

  • “enable-trace” (boolean): the trace displays only the packet exchanged between nodes.

  • the record system to record the state of nodes at each event.

When used, the record system uses the following entries in the dictionary:
  • “record.enable” (boolean): should loging

  • “” (string): the name of the directory where all state/logs will be stored

  • “record.format” (string): the format with which the information is stored (“pprint” or “json”)

  • “record.quiet” (string): disable all output from screen (including trace)


An example of simulation in examples/simulator can be run through the script